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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Make Money With Twitter Services

Two of the most popular (or at least most talked about) models to make money from Tweets are

Magpie - which inserts automatic tweets from advertisers into your Twittering
Interestingly enough, the idea has come back around, it would appear, and is being attempted by a European company called Magpie. The idea is simple: they’ll pay you for access to your Twitter account, and advertisers will pay them for tweets they send out in your name. Depending on your preferences, you can allow them to tweet as much as every other tweet or as little as once in twenty tweets.

Twittad - which inserts sponsors messages into your Twitter background
Of course others are working on other ways to monetize Twitter (affiliate marketing, promoting their own services and products etc) - but today I’m interested to hear what people think about services like Magpie and Twittad?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Make Money With a Twitter Account

Over the many months we’ve been using Twitter, talking about Twitter and using Twitter, one of the most common themes we keep coming back to is whether or not they’re ever going to decide to monetize the service, and how.
I allowed the system to take a look at my Twitter account, and give me an estimate of exactly what it thinks I might make in a given month’s worth of Tweets. I’m a light Twitter user, having probably three or four conversational exchanges a day, and about four or so automated posts (announcing blog posts, mostly) that go out every day. I do have an above average number of followers, but given that I’m not a heavy user, I was surprised to learn that it estimated my monthly earnings at around $20 (USD).

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

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